More than a week since a blog posting! What can I say, except that I have been taking this retirement thing to heart and relaxing.
Pair A Dice COOP RV Park

We are members of the Escapees RV Club. It was founded by and for fulltime RVer’s more than 30 years ago. They have all kinds of information on the fulltime RV life style and were invaluable as we planned our new life. They do our mail forwarding. They also own 8 RV Parks for members scattered from Florida to Arizona. When they started building these parks there was a desire to speed up the process of adding parks, but they could only do so much and only had so much capital. Club members came forward with the idea of Escapee CO-OP Parks. These parks would be built and owned by groups of Escapee members that would make their sites available to other Escapee members when they were not in use by the original owners. There are 11 of these parks from Washington to Florida. Both the Escapee owned and CO-OP Parks are much nicer and cheaper than the typical commercial RV Park. After we left Kingman we went to our first CO-OP Park located in Pahrump, Nevada. Pahrump is about half way between Las Vegas and Death Valley or about 60 miles from each. The Pair A Dice CO-OP RV Park is one of the nicest parks we have been to and is in a very quiet area. We came here to relax for a few days and have ended up staying for 10 days. Everyone here is very friendly. It usually takes us an hour to do Raider’s morning walk, because everyone wants to pet him and take time to chat.

Ash Meadow National Wildlife Refuge
A little more than half way between Pahrump and Death Valley is the Ash Meadow National Wildlife Refuge.

This refuge was created to protect Desert Pupfish. These fish are about the size of guppies and live in various small pools in this part of Nevada and California. Each pool has its very own distinct species of Pup Fish and all are endangered.

Although the refuge was created to protect the Pup Fish it also protects all of the other desert species in the adjacent area and with the pools make up a good birding area for desert birds such as Phainopepla, Gambel Quail, and Gold Finches.
Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge

Below are just some of the pictures Kathy took while we were at Death Valley; for more pictures click on: Additional Pictures of Death Valley

Thanks for the RV CO-OP info...
ReplyDeleteWhere are you guys headed now?
Stay Safe and Happy Trails,